SAMEDAY point is the service through which you can receive parcels at collection points located in convenient locations, such as shops, gas stations and other commercial points.
SAMEDAY point is the service through which you can receive parcels at collection points located in convenient locations, such as shops, gas stations and other commercial points.
When placing an order, if the online store has activated the SAMEDAY point service, you will be able to select the SAMEDAY point location convenient for you, directly from the interactive map.
The standard storage period in SAMEDAY point is 36 working hours, taking into account the schedule of the delivery point.
In the SAMEDAY App, you can always see the storage time under ‘PIN Expires’. You can also check the storage period by accessing the link included in the email informing you that the parcel has arrived at the pick-up point.
In the SAMEDAY App, you can automatically navigate to the SAMEDAY point location of your choice, by accessing the area where the delivery details of your parcel can be found, called ‘Delivery Details’.
Also, in the email confirming the delivery of the parcel at SAMEDAY point, you will be able to find the link ‘see in maps’.
If the storage period has been exceeded, your parcel will be returned to the sender, and you will need to place the order again if you still want the products. To avoid this situation, we recommend that you check the expiration date of the parcel in the SAMEDAY App or by accessing the link included in the delivery confirmation email.
The SAMEDAY point service is currently only available for parcel pick-up.
Check the e-mail received at the time of delivery of the parcel in SAMEDAY point. There you will find the complete schedule of the SAMEDAY point location where your parcel is located, as well as details about the storage period.
Cash on delivery payment can only be made by contactless card. You will receive a physical receipt after making the payment, but you can also choose to send it by e-mail.